Hi! I'm Sarah Collins, and I help companies have authentic conversations with users.

That's why I founded The Get Agency.

Whether I’m working with a healthcare startup to hone an email campaign, a college system to overhaul a website strategy or a CPG company to build a brand, I bring value to companies by putting the focus back on users. I learn who they are, what they want and how they want to be talked to, then I create a brand voice that engages them and a digital strategy that reaches them.

That’s just step one. Each communication is an opportunity to learn more from analytics. By testing and iterating until I know exactly what users want, I create communications with real ROI.

My clients range from a small leadership development firm to a mid-sized development shop to a Fortune 500 insurance company. The scope of the strategy may change, but my process always stays the same: match the business goals to the users, then match the users to their behaviors.

With that, I can create content governance documents to establish a brand voice, an information architecture to outline the content strategy and copy to execute a digital marketing plan.

I’m always happy to discuss client work in private, but for work that’s not ghostwritten, I have plenty to show. Working with The Onion, Crain’s Chicago Business and The Chicago Sun-Times taught me how to build loyalty with authentic, valuable content.

I keep up that practice with Get Hustlin’, a source of business news for people. With it, I use precise curation and a tightly controlled voice to build a devoted following of users who need confidence just as badly as they need a new job.

I also continue to write for a variety of outlets, focusing on the kind of journalism that lets me break complicated topics down into human stories — a skill that carries over into my client work. Here are a few examples:

If you’re looking for a better way to find and talk with your users, please get in touch.